Bureau of Fire Prevention
1601 Burlington Bypass
Burlington, NJ 08016
Phone Number: 609-239-5850
Fax Number: 609-386-0008
E-mail: btfire3@comcast.net
District Office
Phone Number: 609-239-5849
Services We Offer
Home Safety Inspection– Burlington Twp. resident- Is your home fire safe? The Bureau of Fire Prevention will visit your home and we will assist you in determining what you need to do to help make your home fire safe. Interested residents should contact the Bureau of Fire Prevention to schedule an appointment.
Smoke Detectors– Smoke Detectors save lives and are vital to the safety of your family and home. Does your family have enough smoke detectors? If not, the Bureau of Fire Prevention can provide you with new smoke detectors FREE. Do you need assistance with placement of a new detector? Interested residents should contact the Bureau of Fire Prevention to schedule an appointment.
Fire Safety Inspections– The Bureau of Fire Prevention is responsible for all Fire Safety Inspection of all local businesses and public building, etc. to ensure the compliance with fire safety and prevention laws, codes and regulations. Have you opened a new business in Burlington Township and have not registered with the Bureau of Fire Prevention? If so, please contact us.
Fire Extinguisher Training– Each year the Bureau of Fire Prevention visits various Township Businesses/ Organizations to train their employees on the proper use of fire extinguishers. Do you have a business or organization that could use training on the proper use of fire extinguishers? If so, please contact us.
Fire Prevention & Fire Safety Tours/ Lectures– Each year the Bureau of Fire Prevention hosts several visits to one of our local fire stations. During these visits a fire fighter (or team of fire fighters/ public educators) will tour the group through our fire station. We will give a detailed overview of our apparatus, explain the need and/ or use of the equipment, discuss personal fire safety, fire prevention in the home, the need for precautionary measures, and if appropriate a tour of our fire safety trailer. Do you have a group that could benefit from a tour like this? Are you the leader of a scouting troop that would like to visit a fire station? If so, please contact us.
Site Visits– Each year the Bureau of Fire Prevention visits several organizations within Burlington Twp.. During these visits our Fire Official (or team of fire fighters/ public educators) will meet with your group. We will give a detailed overview of our apparatus, explain the need and/ or use of the equipment, discuss personal fire safety, fire prevention in the home, the need for precautionary measures, and if appropriate a tour of our fire safety trailer. Are you a business, or organization located within Burlington Township that could benefit from a visit like this? If so, please contact us.
These are some of the services we offer our community. If you have a special need that you think the Bureau of Fire Prevention can assist with please contact us and we would be glad to assist you. 609-239-5850 or e-mail btfire3@comcast.net.
NJ State Law Regarding Open Burning
Title 13 Chapter 9 State Forest Fire Service
General Powers
Under the General Forest Fire Act the Department of Environmental Protection may:
Determine wildfire hazards.
Remove or cause to be removed brush, undergrowth or other material which contributes to wildfire hazards.
Maintain or cause to be maintained fire breaks.
Set backfires, plow lands, close roads and make regulations for burning brush.
Summon any male person between the ages of eighteen and fifty, who may be within the jurisdiction of the state, to assist in extinguishing fires.
Require the use of property needed for extinguishing fires.
Issue permits.
Collect extinguishment cost and fines for violations.
Control and direct all persons and apparatus engaged in extinguishing wildfires.
Have the right of entry upon lands to inspect and ascertain compliance and extinguish wildfires.
Investigate fires to determine cause.
Close the woods to all unauthorized persons in an emergency.
Arrest without warrant anyone violating the Forest Fire Laws.
Fines, Penalties and Assessments
The Forest Fire Service may assess and collect amounts equal to the cost of extinguishment or a lesser amount as determined by mitigating circumstances.
For a non-willful violation of Forest Fire Law the Service may assess a fine up to $5,000.
For a willful violation of Forest Fire Law the Service may assess a fine up to $100,000.
New Jersey Fire Law Forbids
Setting fire to any forest, brush or grass land, or tidal marsh except as exempted.
Setting fire to brush, litter or debris without the written permission of a firewarden.
Having any fire by which property may be endangered without maintaining a careful and competent watch.
Interfering with a firewarden or his/her crew in carrying out their duties.
Refusing assistance or the use of property to a firewarden engaged in fire fighting operations.
Mutilation or destruction to any state forest fire sign.
Maintaining a hazard that will contribute to the origin and spread of a wildfire.
Discharging an incendiary device, operating hazardous equipment or throwing/dropping incendiary objects.
An owner may set a backfire on his own property for its protection, provided it does not escape to the property of another.
A written permit is necessary for any fire in any municipality for which fire wardens have been appointed.
Open burning is regulated by the Department of Environmental Protection, Air & Environmental Quality Enforcement Section. This program is administered by the Forest Fire Service statewide through use of a permit system.
Permits issued by the Forest Fire Service do not supersede restrictions by local agencies or the Air & Environmental Quality Enforcement Section.
Home Safety Checklist
The most effective way to protect yourself and your home from fire is to identify and remove fire hazards. Sixty-five percent of home fire deaths occur in homes with no working smoke alarms. During a home fire, working smoke alarms and a fire escape plan that has been practiced regularly can save lives.
Install smoke alarms on every level of your home, inside bedrooms and outside sleeping areas.
Teach children what smoke alarms sound like and what to do when they hear one.
Once a month check whether each alarm in the home is working properly by pushing the test button.
Replace batteries in smoke alarms at least once a year. Immediately install a new battery if an alarm chirps, warning the battery is low.
Smoke alarms should be replaced every 10 years. Never disable smoke or carbon monoxide alarms.
Carbon monoxide alarms are not substitutes for smoke alarms. Know the difference between the sound of smoke alarms and carbon monoxide alarms.